Loan Applicationadmin2022-07-06T21:28:41+02:00 Loan Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Full Name *National ID *Mobile Number *Please ensure to have a valid Mobile number. so, we can contact you Do You have an Existing Operating project and have been established for at least one year? *YesNoBranch (closest to the workplace) *Giza Governorate - Main BranchGiza Governorate - BulaqCairo Governorate - ShubraCairo - Helwan GovernorateQalyubia Governorate - Shubra El-KheimaQalyubia Governorate - BanhaDelta area - Shebin El-KoumLoan type *small projectslight transportationrevivalskillful handsJameel creativityLoan Amount *The amount ranges from 5 thousand to 200 thousand poundsLoan Period *6 Months12 Months18 Months24 Months30 Months36 MonthsApply Now